You must be willing to change. You must be willing to break the deal you
made with the devils within. You must be willing to leave the past and
not be tempted to rebound when times are tough. You must be willing to
let go of everything and anyone that takes you back to your sins. You
must be willing to have hope. You must be willing to have hope that you
can change and that you will and that you will be better. You must
believe you are worthy of change and you are worthy of improvement and
you are worthy of being the best. You must be willing to set aside your
negative notions about life, about hardships, about people, about
things, about yourself. You must be willing to stop feeling sorry for
yourself while looking at the world move around you. Get up and make
something of yourself.
Omakai besau nye gambau. Cantik pulak tu subhanallah.